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Robert Elsie

Writer, translator, interpreter, specialist in Albanian studies




 Curriculum vitae



Articles | Artikel | Artikuj shkencore

The Chaotic Course of Albanian Literature
Paper given at the conference Balkan Day II: A Rich Heritage of Stories on 24 June 2016 at the British Library in London.

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Albanian Oral History: its Importance and my Experience
Paper given at the Seminar on Oral History, 29 March 2016, at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana.

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The Early History of Albania
first published in: Robert Elsie, Keeping an Eye on the Albanians: Selected Writings in the Field of Albanian Studies. Albanian Studies, Vol. 16. ISBN 978-1514157268 (London: Centre for Albanian Studies, 2015), p. 11-40

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Why is Albanian Epic Verse So Neglected?
Paper presented at the international conference on The Albanian Epic of Legendary Songs in Five Balkan Countries: Albania, Kosova, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, 8-9 August 2014. Institute of Albanian Studies, Prishtina, 8 August 2014.

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Destruction of Islamic Heritage in the Kosovo War, 1998-1999
Presentation for the Book Launch at the National Library of Kosovo in Prishtina on 27 May 2014.

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in: Luçjan Bedeni (ed.). Shan Pici: Album. Shkodra: Fototeka Kombëtare Marubi, 2013. p. 5-7.

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in: Luçjan Bedeni (ed.). Shan Pici: Album. Shkodra: Fototeka Kombëtare Marubi, 2013. p. 8-10.

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Die Derwisch-Sekte der albanischen Bektaschi: Anmerkungen zu ihrer Geschichte, Verbreitung und zur derzeitigen Lage
in: Albert Ramaj (ed.): Poeta nascitur, historicus fit: ad honorem Zef Mirdita. St. Gallen & Zagreb: Albanisches Institut & Hrvatski Institut za Povijest, 2013, p. 589-608.

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Beqë Cufaj, 'Sepulchral Sunday.' in: The Stranger Next Door: an Anthology from the Other Europe. Edited by Richard Swartz (Northwest University Press, Evanston 2013) p. 41-50.

Ismail Kadare, 'History of the Other.' in: The Stranger Next Door: an Anthology from the Other Europe. Edited by Richard Swartz (Northwest University Press, Evanston 2013) p. 113-122.

Fatos Kongoli, 'The Simple Truth.' in: The Stranger Next Door: an Anthology from the Other Europe. Edited by Richard Swartz (Northwest University Press, Evanston 2013) p. 123-134.

Luan Starova, 'Borders in the Balkans.' A Century in the Life of an Albanian Family.' in: The Stranger Next Door: an Anthology from the Other Europe. Edited by Richard Swartz (Northwest University Press, Evanston 2013) p. 183-194.

Josef Székely und die Anfänge der Fotografie in Albanien
Paper presented at the International Conference – Echos der Vergangenheit – Stimmen der Zukunft (18.-19.10.2013), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Tirana, 19 October 2013.

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Kosovo and the Bar Tragedy of March 1945
in: Südost-Forschungen, Munich, 71 (2012), p. 390-400.

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Leo Freundlich and the "Albanian Correspondence"
Paper presented at the International Conference - 100 Years of Albanian Independence. Centre of Albanian Studies, Hotel Tirana International, 27 November 2012.

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Leo Freundlich dhe Korrespondenca Shqiptare
Kumtesë për Konferencën Shkencore Ndërkombëtare - 100 Vjet Pavarësi (26-28 nëntor 2012). Centre of Albanian Studies, Hotel Tirana International, 27 November 2012.

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Northern Albanian Culture and the Kanun
Lecture given at the Symposium: Albanese Tradities en Taal: 100 Jaar Onafhankelijk Albanië / Albanian Language and Culture: 100 Years of Independence, University of Leiden, 10 November 2012

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The Albanian Chams of Greece
Paper given at the International Conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences, held in St. Petersburg on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Agniya Vasil'evna Desnickaya, 27-30 September 2012.

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Vështrim mbi shqiptarët çamë të Greqisë
in: the newspaper Shqip, Tirana, 25 November 2012, p. 22-23 / botuar në: gazetën Shqip, Tiranë, 25 nëntor 2012, f. 22-23.

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Les Tchams albanais de la Grèce
Présentation donnée au Colloque international « La Création de l’état albanais (1912): contextes et réceptions de l’événement », Paris, INALCO, le 16 novembre 2012.

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2012 Historia e letërsisë shqipe dhe kultura e letërsisë shqipe: vëzhgime mbi zhvillimet e fundit. in: Oliver Jens Schmitt & Eva Anne Frantz (ed.): Historia e Shqiptarëve: gjendja dhe perspektivat e studimeve. Botim në shqip u përgatit nga Pandeli Pani dhe Artan Puto. Tirana: Botime Përpjekja, 2012. f. 255-266. Përkthyer nga Artan Puto nga Albanian Literary History and Albanian Literary Culture: Observations on Recent Developments, in: Oliver Jens Schmitt & Eva Anne Frantz (ed.): Albanische Geschichte: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung. Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 140. Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2009, p. 215-224.

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Albania, Poetry of

in: Roland Greene & Stephen Cushman (ed.): The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry & Poetics. Fourth edition, ISBN 978-0-691-15491-6 (Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford, 2012). p. 30-31.

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2011 Some Observations on Albanian and Bosnian Epic Traditions
in: Bardhyl Demiraj (ed.): Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Zukunftsperspektiven der Albanologie. Akten der 4. Deutsch-Albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung "50 Jahre Albanologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München" (23.-25. Juni 2011, Gut Schönwag bei Wessobrunn). Albanische Forschungen, Bd 32 (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2012), p. 367-373.

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2010 Në bjeshkët e Rugovës,
një retrospektivë mbi poezinë e Azem Shkrelit

by Robert Elsie & Janice Mathie-Heck
in: Smajl Smaka: Shëtitje me Azemin (Onufri, Tirana 2011), p. 176-186.

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Disa mendime për traditat epike shqiptare dhe boshnjake
in: Jeta e re, revistë letrare, Prishtina, 3, 2010, p. 431-438.

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Albanische Literatur: Erforschung und aktuelle Situation

in: Ost-West: Europäische Perspektiven, Freising, 2010, 4, p. 267-275.

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2009 Albanian literature
in: Michael Henry Heim et al., ‘East-Central European literatures twenty years after.’ in: East European Politics and Societies, 23, 4 (2009), p. 523-554.

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A duhet të përkthehet letërsia shqipe?
in: Vepra themelore në Albanologji. Aktet e Konferencës Shkencore Ndërkombëtare 18-20 dhjetor 2008. Ardian Marashi (ed.). ISBN 978-99956-45-21-2 (Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike, Tirana 2009), p. 143-145.

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Editor for Albanian literature, new edition of articles on / Redaktion albanischer Literatur, Betreuung der Wortartikel zu: Pjetër Bogdani: Cuneus Prophetarum de Christo Salvatore Mundi et eius Evangelica Veritate (Martin Camaj), Vol. 2, p. 703-704; Gjon Buzuku: Meshari (Martin Camaj), Vol. 3, p. 358-359; Gjergj Fishta: Ânzat e Parnasit, Mrizi i zânavet, Lahuta e malcís (Claus Haebler), Vol. 5, p. 525-529; Naim Bej Frashëri: Bageti e bujqësia (Ekrem Vlora), Vol. 5, p. 698-699; Ismail Kadare: Gjenerali i ushtrisë së vdekur (Wolfgang Rössig), Kronikë në gur (KLL), Dimri i madh (KLL), Pallai i ëndrrave (Rolf Fischer), Vol. 8, p. 524-528; Lasgush Poradeci: Ylli i zemrës (Claus Haebler), Vol. 13, p. 176-177; Jul Variboba: Gjella e Shën Meriis Virgjër (Claus Haebler), Vol.16, p. 680.
in: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon, 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, herausgegeben von Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Stuttgart & Weimar: J. B. Metzlar, 2009

Predgovor / Preface
in: Rusana Bejleri: Albanskata literatura - kato ogledalo na narodnata duševnost (Balkani, Sofia 2009), p. 7-8, 222-223.

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Albanian literary history and Albanian literary culture:
observations on recent developments

in: Oliver Jens Schmitt & Eva Anne Frantz (ed.): Albanische Geschichte: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung. Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 140.  ISBN 978-3-486-58980-1 (R. Oldenbourg, Munich 2009), p. 215-224.

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L’Albanie et le Kosovo en couleurs (1913):
Les autochromes de la Collection Albert Kahn

Communication donnée au colloque « L‘Âge d’or de la photographie albanaise, 1858-1945 ». Université de Chicago à Paris, Paris, 12 février 2009.

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Me rastin e botimit të antologjisë së poezisë shqiptare:
"Lightning from the Depths: an Anthology of Albanian Poetry"

Presentation given in Tirana on 5 December 2008.

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Thoughts on Kosovar Albanian Literature, Culture and Identity
Lecture given at the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, Poland, on 17 November 2008.

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2008 Albanian literature in the English-speaking world
in: Translation Review, University of Texas at Dallas, 76 (2008), p. 1-10.

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Seven Albanian poets: Visar Zhiti, Mimoza Ahmeti, Gazmend Krasniqi, Lindita Arapi, Eqrem Basha, Flora Brovina and Abdullah Konushevci. Translated from the Albanian by Robert Elsie.
in: New European Poets. General editors Wayne Miller and Kevin Prufer. (Saint Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press 2008) ISBN 978-1-55597-492-3, pp. 123-128.

Kosova and Albania: history, people, identity
on: Posted 22 February 2008.

Albanian tales.
in: Donald Haase (ed.): The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales. Vol. 1, ISBN 978-0-313-33442-9. (Greenwood Press, Westport CT 2008), p. 23-25.

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Udhëpërshkrim i Benjamin Dizraelit, 1830. Letër nga vizita në Shqipëri
in: Albanica Ekskluzive: revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtina, 75, Janar 2008, p. 38-41.
2007 Të reja nga fusha e albanologjisë
in: BOKSHI, Besim, BASHA, Eqrem, KRAJA, Mehmet (ed.), Studime filologjike shqiptare: konferencë shkencore, 21-22 nëntor 2007 (Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës / Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë, Prishtina 2008), p. 97-100.

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Masakrat serbe në Dibër, 1913: raport zyrtar paraqitur Fuqive të Mëdha
in: Albanica Ekskluzive: revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 73-74, tetor/nëntor 2007, p. 17-20.

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Dervish Duma
by Robert Elsie and Bejtullah Destani.
in: New Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 72, shtator 2007, p. 10-14.

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Gjon Buzuku: Opfer der Inquisition?
in: Demiraj, Bardhyl (ed.): Nach 450 Jahren. Buzukus "Missale" und seine Rezeption in unserer Zeit. 2. Deutsch-Albanische kulturwissenschaftliche Tagung in München vom 14. bis 15. Oktober 2005. Albanische Forschungen, 25. ISBN 978-3-447-05468-3. (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2007), p. 211-215.

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Albanian literary history: a communist primeur
in: History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume III. Edited by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. ISBN 978-90-272-3455-1 (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2007), p. 409-411.

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Enver Hoxha’s dictatorship stifles Albanian theatre
in: History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume III. Edited by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. ISBN 978-90-272-3455-1 (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2007), p. 231-234.

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The National role of the Albanian literature journals
in: History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume III. Edited by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. ISBN 978-90-272-3455-1 (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2007), p. 92-94.

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The Rediscovery of folk literature in Albania
in: History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume III. Edited by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. ISBN 978-90-272-3455-1 (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2007), p. 335-338.

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Elbasani: nusja e botës.
Nga udhëpërshkrimi (Sejahatname) i Evlija Çelebiut

in: Albanica Ekskluzive: revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtina, 69, June 2007, p. 79-82.

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Kanina dhe Vlora nga udhëpërshkrimi (Sejahatnameja) e Evlija Çelebiut
in: Albanica Ekskluzive: revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 68, maj 2007, p. 82-85.

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Berati - krahina hijerëndë: nga udhëpërshkrimi i Evlija Çelebiut
in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 67, prill/April 2007, p. 74-79.

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Shenjtorët e krishterë të Shqipërisë
in: Tempulli, revistë periodike kulturore, Korça, 12 (2007), p. 71-93.

Gjirokastra: nga udhëpërshkrimi i Evlija Çelebiut
in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtina, 66, mars/March 2007, p. 73-76.

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Evlija Çelebiu: nëpër Kosovë, 1669
in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 64/65, janar-shkurt 2007, p. 85-88.

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2006 Ismail Kadare
in: John Merriman & Jay Winter (ed.), Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Scribner Library of Modern Europe Series. ISBN 978-068431658 (Charles Scribners & Sons, New York 2006), p. 1529-1530.

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Historia e sundimit turk në Shqipëri.
Dorëshkrimi i panjohur i Eqrem bej Vlorës

in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtinë, 63, dhjetor 2006, p. 92 95.

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Baroni Franc Nopça dhe Kongresi i Triestit
in: Hylli i Dritës, Shkodër, 2006, 3, p. 19-28.

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Maksimilian Lamberc në Mirditë, 1916,
dhe zbulimi i koleksionit të tij fotografik

in: Albanica Ekskluzive, revistë mujore për dije e kulturë, Prishtina, 61, tetor/October 2006, p. 96-101.

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Contemporary verse from Albania
in: Transcript, European Internet Review of Books and Writing, vol. 24.

The hybrid soil of the Balkans: a topography of Albanian literature
in: History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume II. Edited by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. ISBN 90-272-3453-1 (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2006), p. 283-301.

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Fati i Gjon Buzukut
in: Shekulli, Tirana, 14 June 2006, p. 18-19.

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2005 translation
Ismail Kadare. The Albanian Writers’ Union as Mirrored by a Woman Translated from the Albanian by Robert Elsie.
in: The New Yorker, International Fiction Issue, New York, December 26, 2005 - January 2, 2006, p. 112-127.

Espectros balcánicos
in: La Nación, Suplemento Cultura, Buenos Aires, 20 November 2005.

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Subtle dissent of a Balkan bard: the life and works of Ismail Kadare
in: TLS, the Times Literary Supplement, London, June 24, 2005, No. 5334, p. 14-15.

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Freedom and chaos: contemporary Albanian literature
in: Illyria, New York, no. 1416, 4-7 February 2005, p. 5; 1417, 8-10 February 2005, p. 5; 1418, 11-14 February 2005, p. 3, 5.

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Modern Albanian writing and its reception in the English-speaking world
Lecture given at the Humanities Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States, on 27 January 2005. Unpublished.

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Gjergj Fishta and the Albanian national epic
Lecture given at the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, on 26 January 2005. Unpublished.

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2004 Zihni Sako
in: Enzyklopädie des Märchens: Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Herausgegeben von Rolf Wilhelm Brednich, Band 11. ISBN 3-11-017565-7 (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York 2004), p. 1053-1055.

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Der Islam und die Derwisch-Sekten Albaniens: Anmerkungen zu ihrer Geschichte, Verbreitung und zur derzeitigen Lage
in: Kakanien Revisited, Vienna, 27.05.2004, p. 1-11.

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Këngë Kreshnikësh: lindja nën sytë e Sigurimit: studiuesi Robert Elsie boton përkthimin në anglisht të 23 këngëve nga eposi i kreshnikëve
in: Shekulli, Tirana, 4 February 2004, p. 19

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2003 Albanian literature: an overview of its history and development
in: Österreichische Osthefte, Vienna, 45, 1-2 (2003), p. 243-276.

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Franc Baron Nopça dhe Shqiptarët
in: Shekulli, Tirana, 26 December 2003, p. 18.

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Zhan-Klod Faveriali dhe Manastiri në historiografinë shqiptare
in: Bota Shqiptare, Rome, 97, 5-18 December 2003, p. 14.

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Shenjtët e krishterë të Shqipërisë
in: Bota Shqiptare, Rome, 93, 3-16 October 2003, p. 12-13.

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Altes und Neues zur Erforschung der albanischen Volksepik
in: Kakanien Revisited, Vienna, 29.10.2003, p. 1-4.

Nuk bëhesh i famshëm vetëm kur përkthehesh jashtë
in: Ars, e përkohshme letrare, Tirana, 26.10.2003, p. 22.

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The Songs of the Frontier Warriors: Albanian oral epic verse
in: Illyria, the Only Albanian-American Newspaper, New York, vol. 13, no. 1246, 3-5 June 2003, p. 8, and vol. 13, no. 1247, 6-9 June 2003, p. 8.

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2002 Albanians
in: Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. David Levinson, Karen Christensen, et al. (ed.). Vol. 1. (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2002), p. 79-81

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Stuart Mann: historiani i parë anglisht i letërsisë shqiptare
in: Seminari Ndërkombëtar per Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare: Punimet e Materialeve të Seminarit XX Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, Prishtinë, gusht 2001 (Universiteti i Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë, Prishtina 2002), Vol. 2, p. 199-202.

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"Gjahu i Malësorëvet" i Kostandin Kristoforidhit dhe përkthimi i tij gjermanisht nga Maksimilian Lamberci
in: Teuta Toska & Vjollca Asllani (ed.): Përmbledhje me studime për Konstandin Kristoforidhin. Materiale nga Konferenca Shkencore Ndërkombëtare 'Konstandin Kristoforidhi, Figurë e Ndritur e Rilindjes Kombëtare Shqiptare'. Botim i Universitetit Aleksandër Xhuvani (Sejko, Elbasan 2002), p. 87-92.

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in: Albanistica - duemiladue, a cura di Italo Costante Fortino. Dipartimento di Studi dell'Europa Orientale (Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale," Naples 2002), p. 7-10.

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Die Derwisch-Sekte der albanischen Bektaschi: Anmerkungen zur ihrer Geschichte, Verbreitung und zur derzeitigen Lage
Vortrag gehalten an der Universität München am 17. Januar 2002. Lecture given at the University of Munich, Munich, Germany, on 17 January 2002.

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Të dhëna të reja për albanologun ungarez: Franc Baron Nopça dhe kontributi i tij në fushën e albanologjisë
Inaugural lecture as a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosova, Prishtina, 22 August 2001. Published in: Rilindja, Prishtina, 1 September 2001, p. 20. / Fjala e mbjatur në rastin e pranimit si anëtar i Akademisë së Shkencave e të Arteve të Kosovës, Prishtinë, 22 gusht 2001. Botuar në: Rilindja, Prishtinë, 1 shtator 2001, f. 20.

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2001 Franc Baron Nopça dhe shqiptarët
Fjala e mbajtur me rastin e inaugurimit në ASHAK

in: Rilindja, shkojcë kulturë, letërsi, art, Prishtinë, 1 shtator 2001, p. 20.

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Zëri i parë shqip. Mbi inçizimin e parë e gjuhës shqipe nga Norbert Jokli
in: Seminari Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 19. Punimet e materialeve të Seminarit XIX Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, Prishtinë-Prizren, gusht 2000. Universiteti i Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë, Prishtinë, 2001, p. 377-382.

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Mendime mesnate nga Kanadaja. Mbi poezinë e Ali Podrimjes
Robert Elsie & Janice Mathie-Heck

in: Jeta e re, revistë letrare, Prishtinë, 2 (2001), p. 310-322. 

Five emerging Albanian poets. Mimoza Ahmeti, Luljeta Lleshanaku, Visar Zhiti, Bardhosh Gaçe, Lindita Arapi. Presented and edited by Janice Mathie-Heck. Translated by Robert Elsie.
in: Filling station, Calgary, Alberta, 22 (2001), p. 52-63.

Die drei Frashëri-Brüder
in: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde (ed.): Albanien. Reichtum und Vielfalt alter Kultur (Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich 2001), p. 147-152.

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in: Countries and their Cultures. Vol. 1, Melvin Ember & Carol R. Ember, ed. (Macmillan Library Reference, New York 2001), p. 12-22.

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2000 Introduction
in: Faik Konitza. Selected correspondence 1896-1942. Edited by Bejtullah Destani. Introduction by Robert Elsie (The Centre for Albanian Studies, London 2000), ISBN 1-873928-18-1, p. vii-xi.

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Të dhëna të hershme për ekzistencën e gjuhës shqipe
in: Tempulli, Revistë kulturore periodike, Korça, 2000, 2, p. 19-24.

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The Christian saints of Albania
in: Balkanistica, University of Mississippi, 13 (2000), p. 35-58.

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Die Herkunft albanischer Baumbezeichnungen
Lecture held on 12 July 1999 at the University of Munich.

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Religionsgemeinschaften unter den Albanern
Lecture held at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, on 23 June 1999, unpublished. / Vortrag gehalten am 23. Juni 1999 an der Universität von Freiburg/Schweiz, unveröffentlicht.

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1999 The Viennese scholar who almost became King of Albania:
Baron Franz Nopcsa and his contribution to Albanian studies

in: East European quarterly, Boulder, 33, 3 (1999), p. 327-345.

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in: The truth on Albania and the Albanians. Historical and critical issues by Wassa Effendi. Introduction by Robert Elsie (Centre for Albanian Studies, London 1999), ISBN 1-873928-63-7, p. i-iii.

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Gone but not forgotten. Tribute to the sensitivity and resolve of the Albanian writers murdered in Kosovo this week
in: The Guardian, Saturday Review, 3.4.1999, p. 3.

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Camaj, Martin
in: Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th century. Third Edition. Vol. 1: A-D. General Editor Steven R. Serafin (St. James Press, Farmington Hills MI 1999), p. 403-404.

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Agolli, Dritëro
in: Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th century. Third Edition. Vol. 1: A-D. General Editor Steven R. Serafin (St. James Press, Farmington Hills MI 1999), p. 21.

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Albanian literature since the Second World War
in: Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th century. Third Edition. Vol. 1: A-D. General Editor Steven R. Serafin (St. James Press, Farmington Hills MI 1999), p. 35-36.

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Neues zu dem Wiener Gelehrten, der beinahe König von Albanien wurde: Franz Baron Nopcsa und sein Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Albanien­forschung
Lecture held at the University of Bonn on 26 November 1998, unpublished. / Vortrag gehalten am 26. November 1998 an der Universität Bonn, unveröffentlicht.

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Prolegomena zu einer Heiligengeschichte Albaniens
Lecture held in Arbon, Switzerland, on 5 September 1998 at the international conference on "2000 Years of Christianity among the Albanians," unpublished. / Vortrag gehalten am 5. September 1998 in Arbon, Schweiz, beim Symposium "2000 Jahre Christentum bei den Albanern," unveröffentlicht.

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1998 Der Islam und die Derwisch-Sekten Albaniens: Anmerkungen zu ihrer Geschichte, Verbreitung und zur derzeitigen Lage
unpublished / unveröffentlicht

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Das albanische Lexikon des Evliya Çelebi (1662), und was ein Derwisch auf der Durchreise alles wissen muß
in: Südost-Forschungen, Munich, 57 (1998), p. 95-102.

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Islam and the dervish sects of Albania. An introduction to their history, development and current situation
in: The Islamic quarterly, London, 42.4 (1998), p. 266-289.

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Bukoshi, Bujar (p. 32); Cubrilovic, Vaso (p. 65-66); Demaçi, Adem (p. 71-72); Democratic League of Kosovo (p. 72); Kaçanik, Constitution of (p. 139); Kosovo (p. 145-147); Krasniqi, Mark (p. 150); Qosja, Rexhep (p. 231); Rugova, Ibrahim (p. 248).
in: John B. Allcock, Marko Milivojevic & John J. Horton (eds.), Conflict in the former Yugoslavia. An encyclopedia. Roots of modern conflict. Foreword by Martin Bell (ABC-Clio, Denver, Santa Barbara, Oxford 1998), ISBN 0-87436-935-5, xxxiv + 410 pp.

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Dendronymica Albanica. A survey of Albanian tree and shrub names
in: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Wiesbaden, 34, 2 (1998), p. 163-200.

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1997 Seksi dhe fillimet e të shkruarit në gjuhën shqipe
in: Bahri Beci, Zejnullah Rrahmani & Xhelal Ylli (eds.), Seminari XVII ndërkombëtar për gjuhën, letërsinë dhe kulturën shqiptare. Përmbledhje e ligjëratave, referimeve, kumtesave dhe e diskutimeve. Tiranë 16-31 gusht 1995. Akademia e Shkencave, Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë. Universiteti i Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë (Eurorilindja, Tirana 1997), p. 511-515.
reprint in: Bota shqiptare, Rome, 5-12 September 2002, No. 68, p. 8-9.

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Leksiku shqip i Evlija Çelebiut i vitit 1662 dhe ç'duhet të dijë dervishi shtegtar
in: Studime, Prishtina, 4 (1997), p. 239-249.
reprint in: Bota shqiptare, Rome, August 2002, No. 67, p. 10-11.

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The Albanian lexicon of Evliya Çelebi, 1662 A.D., and what a travelling dervish should know

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The last Albanian waiter
in: Ruth Petrie (ed.), The fall of communism and the rise of nationalism. The Index reader. Introduced by Irena Maryniak (Cassell, London & Washington 1997), ISBN 0-304-33938-5, p. 150-153.

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1996 Një vjedhje në Dubrovnik dhe dalja në skenë e gjuhës dhe e kulturës shqiptare
in: Përpjekja, E përtremuajshme kulturore, Tirana, 6 (1996), p. 88-92.
reprinted in: Rilindja, Prishtina, 26.7.1999, p. 9.

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Dendronymica albanica. Vështrim mbi emrat shqip të drurëve dhe shkurreve
in: Studime, Prishtina, 3 (1996), p. 275-318.

Albanian print free, not TV or radio
in: Nieman reports, The Nieman Foundation at Harvard University, Harvard MA, Vol. L, 2 (summer 1996), p. 78-79.

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Albanian peril in Kosovo
in: Nieman reports, The Nieman Foundation at Harvard University, Harvard MA, Vol. L, 2 (summer 1996), p. 79-81.

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1995 Why they said 'No!'
in: Index on Censorship, London, 24.1 (1995), p. 11-13.

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Shpirti krijues kosovar
in: Zëri, Javore Politike Shqiptare, Prishtina, 13.5.1995, p. 64.

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Rruga e modernitetit dhe koha e artë e letërsisë shqiptare.
Kultura shqiptare e viteve 30

in: Përpjekja, E përtremuajshme kulturore, Tirana, 2 (1995), p. 33-39.

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Kushtetuta! Kushtetuta! Vier Jahre Demokratie in Albanien
in: Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, Munich, 1995, 3, p. 199-204.

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The Elbasan Gospel Manuscript (Anonimi i Elbasanit), 1761, and the struggle for an original Albanian alphabet
in: Südost-Forschungen, Munich, 54, 1995, p. 105-159.

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The Albanian media in Kosovo and the spectre of ethnic cleansing
in: Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsforschung, Munich, 44 (1995), Heft 9-10, p. 614-619.

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1994 translation
Teodor Laço. The Pain of a distant Winter
in: Description of a struggle. The Picador book of contemporary East European prose. Michael March, ed. (Picador, London 1994), p. 267- 273.

Mimoza Ahmeti, The Secret of my Youth
in: Description of a struggle. The Picador book of contemporary East European prose. Michael March, ed. (Picador, London 1994), p. 262-266.

Hydronymica Albanica. A survey of river names in Albania
in: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Berlin, 30.1 (1994), p. 1-46.

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Dorëshkrimi elbasanas i ungjijve, 1761, dhe lufta për krijimin e një alfabeti shqiptar
in: Studime, Prishtina, 1 (1994), p. 125-139.

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The Currents of Moslem and Bektash writing in Albania
in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 15 (1994), p. 172-177.

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1993 Visar Zhiti: victim of the surreal
in: Index on Censorship, London, 22.4 (1993), p. 23.
reprinted in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 15 (1994), p. 128-129.

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Romani 'Ngritja e Skënderbeut' (The rise of Iskander, 1833), i shkrimtarit anglez Benxhamin Dizraeli-t. Një zbulim i ri albanologjik
in: Hylli i Dritës, Tirana, 2-3 (1993), p. 113-115.
reprinted in: Zëri, Prishtina, 27.3.1993.

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Një kulturë - dy realitete
in: Rilindja, Tirana, 1.7.1993, p. 9.
reprinted in: Illyria, New York, 408, 19-21.6.1995.

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Gjergj Fishta. The voice of the Albanian nation
in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 14 (1993), p. 104-113.

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Benjamin Disraeli and Scanderbeg. The novel 'The Rise of Iskander' (1833) as a contribution to Britain's literary discovery of Albania
in: Südost-Forschungen, Munich, 52 (1993), p. 25-52.

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[Albanian] Theatre
in: Klaus-Detlev Grothusen (ed.), Albanien. Südosteuropa-Handbuch. Band VII. Albania. Handbook on South Eastern Europe. Volume VII (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1993), ISBN 3-525-36207-2, p. 681-692.
reprinted in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 15 (1994), p. 192-199.

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[Albanian] Literature
in: Klaus-Detlev Grothusen (ed.), Albanien. Südosteuropa-Handbuch. Band VII. Albania. Handbook on South Eastern Europe. Volume VII (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1993), ISBN 3-525-36207-2, p. 653-680.

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1992 Three poets of the golden age of Scutarine Catholic literature in Albania
in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 13 (1992), p. 97-102.

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The last Albanian waiter
in: Index on Censorship, London, 21.9 (1992), p. 12-13.

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Kasëm Trebeshina, prophet
in: Index on Censorship, London, 21.9 (1992), p. 13-14.
reprint as:
Kasem Trebeshina.
The writer who would not compromise with Enver Hoxha

in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 14 (1993), p. 64-65.

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Albanian literature in the Moslem tradition. Eighteenth and nineteenth century Albanian writing in Arabic script
in: Oriens, Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research, Leiden, 33 (1992), p. 287-306.

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Download Albanian Translation

Albanian literature in English translation: a short survey
in: The Slavonic and East European Review, London, 70.2 (April 1992), p. 249-257.

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Der letzte albanische Kellner
in: Ostschweizer AZ, St. Gallen, 6.1.1992, p. 2, and 7.1.1992, p. 2.
reprint as:
Der letzte albanische Kellner
Impressionen aus dem serbisierten Kosovo

in: Pogrom. Zeitschrift für bedrohte Völker. Göttingen, Nr. 165 (Mai/Juni 1992), ISSN 0720-5058, p. 32-33.

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1991 Two Irish travellers in Albania in 1322
in: Albanien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Internationales Symposium der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit der Albanischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Winterscheider Mühle bei Bonn, 12.-15. September 1989. Südosteuropa Studien, 48. Klaus-Detlev Grothusen, ed. (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Munich 1991), p. 24-27.

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The Scutarine Catholic contribution to the development of nineteenth-century Albanian literature
in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, XII (1991), p. 91-97.
Albanian translation in: Rilindja Demokratike, Tirana, 291 (7.2.1993).

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Rezeption albanischer Literatur im deutschen Sprachraum
in: Aspekte der Albanologie. Akten des Kongresses 'Stand und Aufgaben der Albanologie heute', 3.-5. Oktober 1988, Universität zu Köln. Herausgegeben von Walter Breu, Rolf Ködderitzsch und Hans-Jürgen Sasse. Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen Band 18 (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1991), p. 167-174.

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Evolution and revolution in modern Albanian literature
in: World Literature Today, Literary Quarterly of the University of Oklahoma, Norman OK, 65.2 (spring) 1991, p. 256-263.

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The earliest references to the existence of the Albanian language
in: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Berlin, 27.2 (1991), p. 101-105.

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Albanische Literatur & Kultur nach sechsundvierzig Jahren Sozialismus
Ein Zustandsbericht

in: Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsforschung, Munich, 11-12 (1991), p. 600-613.

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Albanian literature in Greek script. The eighteenth and early nineteenth century Orthodox tradition in Albanian writing
in: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Birmingham, 15 (1991), p. 20-34.

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1990 Proto-Brittonic Celtic and dispersion in the Indo-European lexicon
in: Ollodagos. Actes de la Société belge d'études celtiques, Brussels, 1 (1990), p. 279-321.

Modern Albanian literature
in: Albanien in Umbruch. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Untersuchungen zur Gegenswartskunde Südosteuropas. Herausgegeben vom Südost-Institut. Schriftleitung Franz Lothar Altmann. Band 28 (Munich 1990), p. 247-292.

Albania in the 'Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis' (1308 A.D.)
in: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Berlin, 26.1 (1990), p. 24-28.
reprinted in: Albanian Catholic Bulletin / Buletini Katolik Shqiptar, San Francisco, 15 (1994), p. 157-159.

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1989 translation
Konstantinos P. Kavafis. Drei Gedichte
in: Hellenika. Jahrbuch für die Freunde Griechenlands. Herausgegeben von der Vereinigung der Deutsch-Griechischen Gesellschaften (Bochum 1989), p. 116-118.

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1986 The Bellifortis text and early Albanian
in: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Berlin, 22.2 (1986), p. 158-162.

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1984 The Albanian lexicon of Arnold von Harff, 1497
in: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung, Göttingen, 97 (1984), p. 113-122.

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1983 Lexicostatistics and its application to Brittonic Celtic
in: Studia Celtica, Oxford, 18-19 (1983-1984), p. 110-127.
1979 monograph
The Position of Brittonic. A synchronic and diachronic analysis of genetic relationships in the basic vocabulary of Brittonic Celtic
Doctoral dissertation.
Universität Bonn (Bonn 1979), 222 pp.